The chill in the air feels familiar
and yet
there is always something missing at this time of year
I wait for something
I sense the anticipation
Leaves hang on
as if they too
are waiting for something
and then they fall
surrendering to their time
surrendering to the cold
And like the leaves
I too – hang on
waiting for something
But in the end
I too surrender to the inevitable
perhaps an echo
of past things
a glimpse of something
from long ago
in this time of the year
when chill and thoughts of snow
fill the air
Another winter season
when something was lost
and something else found
And I realize
I am the leaves
that have fallen
surrendering to the cold
and the winter
and yet…
I am getting up again
crushed but not broken
Another ‘winter’ came
to steal my joy
rob my spirit
and I was lost
But I survived
got back up
and here I am
to face another winter
that feels familiar
but is so different
And I smile
another season
more progress
on my journey
regrets that lessen
with time
and healing
in all things that matter
and I am content